Horde lvl 40-51

Chapter III (40-51) - Journey from the Grom'Gol to the Blasted Lands

This guide is optimized for FAST leveling with a minimum of grinding sessions. Quests are important, they give rewards and faction and are less boring than pure grinding, BUT sometimes some quests are really a time waste and we will be skipping those and replacing them by good grinding spots when it is necessary. Some people say that grinding is always faster than questing, this is true in theory when you don't know which quests to take and which to avoid, and what is the best order to do them. With this guide, questing will be very efficient and much better than pure grinding. Follow each instruction carefully and you will see for yourself. The quest choices and order to do them are optimal so that you run as few as possible while doing the most possible and then turning several quests at the same time. This guide will be very useful for both veteran and novice players. I try to keep the amount of information as short as possible. So even the guide itself is optimized for the minimum reading possible, to save time! Let's get started immediately then! Everything described in this guide can be done solo (besides when I say otherwise). You can of course follow this guide while duoing, grouping, it's not a problem, it works too.

Basic rules

  1. The "kill everything on your way" rule doesn't apply anymore once you have your mount. Until then, keep following this rule. You should really try to get your level 40 mount as soon as possible, I recommend grinding on elementals or dwarves in the badlands until you have enough money to buy it.
  2. Spend your talent points so you do the most damage possible. (e.g: Priest should specialize in Shadow Talents, Warriors in Arms/Fury, Rogues Combat/Assassination, etc).
  3. Don't waste your time trying to find groups for questing, you can solo everything that is described in this guide. Only group with someone when it's not gonna be a waste of time (e.g: meeting the person at the other end of the map to show him the way to where your quest is, that is a waste of time)
  4. Try to always log out in an Inn or in one of the major cities when you take a break.
  5. If I don't mention a quest, it means I consider it a waste of time, so don't take it thinking I forgot a quest here and there, I didn''t. Also don't abandon a quest unless I say you should.
  6. Sometimes I will be making lists of quest you should have before starting with an area, that doesn't mean I will list the whole quest log, JUST the quests that interest us for the moment.
  7. When I say you should bind (make an Inn your home location) somewhere it's for a good reason, and it will save you much time. Don't change your home location until I say so.

Useful Addons

  1. Titan panel: It is a great addon with many useful features. But mostly because I use locations in my guide with coordinates (X,Y), and Titan Panel shows these coordinates. It also shows your average XP/Hour rate among other things.
  2. MozzFullWorldMap: An Addon that completes all the missing parts of your in game maps (which you didn't explore yet).

Side Note: In case you don't know how to install add-ons, make a folder called Interface in your World of Warcraft directory (if it doesn't exist already). Then you open it and create a folder called Addons inside the Interface folder (if it doesn't exist already). Now every Addon you want to install goes directly into the Addon folder. For example you download and unzip Titan Panel, you drag the folder called TITAN PANEL (not Interface or Addons) into the new Addon folder you created. You restart World of Warcraft completely and it should be working.
If it isn't you might need to log out to your login screen and click on "Addons" in the left lower corner. Tick the box that says "Load out of date Addons". Relaunch WoW.

Shopping List:

  1. Level 42: Patterned Bronze Bracers -- If you can't find them on the auction house, find a blacksmith willing to do them for a small tip. The components needed are 5x Bronze Bars, 2x Coarse Grinding Stone
  2. Level 42: Frost Oil - Made by alchemists. Components are 4x Khadgar's Whisker, 2x Wintersbite, 1x Leaded Vial
  3. Level 42: Gyrochonatom - Made by engineers. Components are 1x Iron Bar, 1x Gold Power Core
  4. Level 43: All the Pages for the Green Hills of Stranglethorn quest. They can be found at the auction house in the main cities and also at the booty bay auction.

    These might not always be up for sale, so start checking early.

The Guide:


Before starting to follow the guide, I highly recommend that you get your level 40 mount. There will be more and more traveling the higher in levels we get, so you should go grind in Badlands on elementals or dwarves until you can buy it. It will save you a tremendous amount of time in the long run.

Here we go:

Take the Zeppelin to Grom'gol outpost.
In Grom'gol, get the following quests if you don't have them already (if you didn't follow my last chapter):

[41]Mok'thardin's enchantment - the one where you must get 10 Jungle Stalker Feathers
[41]Bloodscalp Clan Heads
[42]Split Bone Necklace

From Grom'gol ride north, find a small plateau in between Tkashi Ruins and Bal'lal Ruins (31,17). On top of this plateau you should find Sin'dal, a level 37 named tiger. Kill it, loot the Paw of Sin'dal.

Ride northeast to Nesingwary's Camp. Turn in [37]Tiger Mastery.

Go east back on the main road, follow it north, until you enter Duskwoods. Our next stop is Stonard in Swamps of Sorrows.
Follow the road north, turn right at the crossroads, follow it as shown on the map below, make sure to avoid the alliance town of Darkshire.

Go through Deadman's Crossing, follow the path shown on this map:

You should be in Swamps of Sorrows now, follow the road, go right at the crossroads, and keep going until you find Stonard (43,55). Get the flight path and the following quests:

[35]Neeka Bloodscar
[38]Little Morsels
[40]Lack of Surplus
[43]Pool of Tears (Elite)

They can all be found inside the buildings in Stonard. Don't get the other quests.

1. Go north to the small "isle" shown on map (48,41), stay in this area, kill everything in a wide radius until you have 8 Unprepared Sawtooth Flanks and found Noboru the Cudgel. Noboru is a level 39 draenei, he wanders in Swamps of Sorrows but always comes to this spot every now and then, you'll find him eventually if you stay in this area, kill him, loot his cudgel, right click it to start the quest [39]Noboru the Cudgel.

2. Ride west to the Harborage(25,31). Turn in [39]Noboru the Cudgel. Get the other quest: [35]Draenethyst Crystals.

3. Go east along the mountain until you find "Fallow Sanctuary" at (54,28). Gather 6 Draenethyst Crystals (Big blue crystals scattered around the camp).
Also look for caged animals of the following type: Captured Crocolisk, Tarantual and Jaguar. Target them and feed them the Fel-tainted morsels you should have in your inventory.
When you got 6 crystals and have fed all 3 animals, go further east to (63,18) where you will find a destroyed caravan, right next to the caravan you will find Galen Goodward inside a cage, before you get his quest, clear the 'lost ones' camps to the southwest of the cage. Then get the quest [38]Galen's Escape and escort him out.
You should let Galen go in front and get the first hits, you can also eat/drink when he is attacked by only one NPC. He regens back to full health after each fight.
After you have escorted Galen successfully, go southwest to (47,39). There you will find a small tent and Galen's Strongbox next to it. Open it, complete the quest.

4. Ride west back to the Harborage. Turn in [35]Draenethyst Crystals.

5. Ride southeast to the Pool of Tears (65,45), swim down in the pool and look for Atal'ai Artifacts, gather 10 of them. A full turn around the pool should be enough.

6. Get back on your mount, ride southeast to Misty Reed Post (80,80), turn in the quest [40]Lack of Surplus and get the follow up [42]Lack of Surplus.

7. Ride west back to Stonard.

Turn in:

[38]Little Morsels
[43]The Pool of Tears
, don't get the follow up.

Your quest log should look like this at the moment:

If you didn't follow my last chapter, you probably don't have all these quests. It's not a big deal though, just ignore the ones from Thousand Needles and Arathi Highland. However, try to get the ones you miss from Stranglethorn Vale, most of them can be obtained in Booty Bay.

Fly to Kargath, Badlands. Sell, repair, restock food/drink.

Turn in [35]Neeka Bloodscar (he's at the top of the guard tower). Get the follow up [40]Report to Helgrum, also get the other quest [40]Coyote Thieves.
Go to the inn and get the 2 following quests:

[39]Badlands Reagent Run
[43]Broken Alliances

From now on, kill every coyote and buzzard you find on your way.

1. Ride east to Lotwil Veratius, get the quest [39]Study of the Elements:Rock

2. Ride east to the valley of fangs and find Martek the Exiled (42,52). Turn in the quest [37]Martek the Exiled and get the follow up [39]Indurium.
Talk to the goblin next to Martek, get the quest:

[40]Barbecued Buzzard Wings
[36]Power Stones (dungeon)

3. Go south to Agmond's End (50,65), kill the troggs there until you have 10 Indurium Flakes.

4. Go a bit further south, along the mountain you should find Theldurin the Lost (50,76), get his quest [40]Solution to Doom (Dungeon).

5. Just a little to the west you'll find the Mirage Flats, with alot of Rock Elementals (40,78). Kill rock elementals there until you have 5 rock elemental shards, 3 large stone slabs and have reached level 41. You can go kill coyotes, buzzards and troggs too if the elementals are overcrowded.


6. Go northwest of the elementals, there is a vast area with a lot of coyotes and some buzzards (35,72). Kill stuff there until you have 30 Coyote Jawbones and 10 Crag Coyote Fangs. Also, if you see a bunch of Ogres passing by with Boss Tho'grun among them, kill him. Read the next paragraph to know more.

7. Go southwest and find Boss Tho'grun (18,78). He wanders the path marked on the map counter-clockwise, so just go clockwise and you will run into him. I usually find him at (18,78) though, somehow. He is escorted by 5 ogres, however he often lags behind his troops and can be pulled along with only one add. Kill him fast, loot his Sign of Earth and run away. Use long cooldown abilities and potions if needed.

8. If you still need some Buzzard Wings or Gizzards, go north to Apocryphan's Rest (16,60), there are plenty buzzards there.

9. Ride east to Martek the Exiled (47,52). Turn in [39]Indurium and [40]Barbecued Buzzard Wings. Get the follow up from Martek: [38]News for Fizzle.

10. Ride northwest to Lotwil Veratius (25,44), turn in [39]Study of the Elements: Rock and get the follow up [42]Study of the Elements: Rock.

11. Ride west to Kargath, turn in [40]Coyote Thieves, [43]Broken Alliances and [39]Badlands Reagent Run. Don't get any of the follow ups.

Now comes what we all hate, a big grinding session. There's no better alternative at this point. Sell and repair, buy food/drink and go grind on either: lesser rock elementals, rock elementals, troggs, dark iron dwarves at Angor Fortress. It's up to you, they are all good grinding spots.

Grind until you hit level 42, then hearthstone to Orgrimmar.


Visit the class trainer, the auction house, you really need to get your hands on the items listed on the shopping list for level 43 now: Frost Oil, Gyrochronatom and Patterned Bronze Bracers. We'll need them soon and this is our last stop in a big city until then. Take those 3 items with you and get out of Orgrimmar.

Take the Zeppelin to Grom'gol base camp, fly to Stonard, Swamps of Sorrows.

Get the quest [38]Little Morsels from the Blood Elf chick inside the biggest building. On the top floor of this building, turn in [40]Report to Helgrum.
Go to the Inn and get the other quest [44]Fresh Meat.

1. Ride northeast to Fallow Sanctuary (60,23), kill stuff there while looking for bamboo cages with animals in them. You need to find a captured Crocolisk, Jaguard and Tanrantula, target them and click on the Fel-Tainted Morsels you should have in your bags.

2. When you have fed the 3 captured animal types, go east until you find Sawtooth Snappers (75,15), they are the bigger version of the crocolisks we killed in this zone last chapter. Go south from that location to find more crocs, just be careful not to run into those elite dragons. Keep killing those crocs until you have 6 Sawtooth Snapper Claws.

3. Ride south to Misty Reed Post (81,81) and turn in the quest [42]Lack of Surplus at Tok'Kar, get the follow up. Go turn in this follow up immediately at the other orc npc just a bit east of the camp, looking over the shore. Get the follow up [43]Threat from the Sea.

4. Get down on the shore and start killing murlocs. Kill 10 Marsh Murlocs and 10 Marsh Inkspewers, then move north along the shore, where you should find Murloc Flesheaters and Monstrous Crawlers - they can also be inside the water near the shore. Keep killing those mobs until you have 10 Murloc Flesheater kills.

5. Further north you can find areas with only Monstrous Crawlers (95,45) go there to get the last crawler legs you miss. If you run out of crabs, go back and kill some murlocs while the crabs respawn.

6. Go back to Misty Reed Post and turn in the quest [44]Threat from the Sea, get the follow up, turn it in immediately at the other orc in the camp, Tok'Kar. Go back to the other orc npc, Katar, and get the new quest he has for you: [45]Continued Threat.

7. Go back down on the shore, kill murlocs (yes, again!). You already know where to find Inkspewers and Flesheaters.

8. Oracles are harder to find. They can be found in those big turtle shells on the beach, but that's not much. Thankfully there's a good spot for them further north and inside the sea, there are many of them inside and around a wrecked ship at the bottom of the sea at (94,22). However if you don't like fighting underwater you can just stay at the murloc camps on the beach and grind there while waiting for the 2 oracles in the turtle shells to respawn.

9. Once you have completed the quest [45]Continuing Threat, ride back to Misty Reed Post, turn in the quest.

10. Ride back to Stonard, turn in [38]Little Morsels and Fresh [44]Fresh Meat. Sell, repair and restock food/drink.

Fly to Kargath, Badlands.
No map needed for this session.

1. From Kargath, go south/soutwhest to (13,85), where you will find Greater Rock Elementals. Kill them until you have 5 Bracers of Rock Binding. If you run out of elementals to kill, there is another camp to the west of this one (7,80).

2. Go grind on Rock Elementals - the level 39-41 ones east of here - or on the dwarves at Angor Fortress. Grind until you are 10000 XP away from level 43.

3. Ride to Lotwil Veratius (26,45). Turn in [42]Study of the Elements: Rock. Get the other quest from Lotwil, [37]Coolant Heads prevail, turn it immediately - as you already have the Frost Oil from the shopping list. Get the follow up [37]Gyro...What? and turn it in too - you should have the Gyrochronatom from the shopping list as well - Get the follow up [42]This is Going to Be Hard. Talk to Lucien Tosselwrench, who stands behind Lotwil. Get his quest [42]Stone is Better than Cloth and turn it in - as you have the Patterned Bronze Bracers already - congratulations on level 43.


4. Spend your talent point, make sure all your cooldown abilities and your potion timers are up, then turn in [42]This is Going to Be Hard, get the follow up and turn it in at Lotwil, get the follow up [45]This is Going to Be Hard. A level 45 Fam'retor Guardian will spawn, kill it and loot Lotwil's Shackles of Elemental Binding. Turn in the quest at Lotwil, congratulations on your first trinket!

5. Go back to Kargath and fly to Booty Bay.

Your quest log should look like this at this time:

Note: As I said above, don't bother with the Arathi and Thousand Needles quests if you don't have them. However, now that we are going to Booty Bay, make sure to get the Stranglethorn Vale quests you miss there.

In Booty Bay, turn in [40]Sunken Treasure at Fleet Master Seahorn, don't get the follow up, then get inside the Inn.
Get the quest [45]Tran'rek.

Go down to the 1st floor of the Inn and get the quests [41]Venture Company Mining and [44]Zanzil's Secret.

Set your Hearthstone to the Booty Bay Inn

Get out of the Inn and get the quest [43]Akiris by the Bundle from Privateer Bloads in front of the bank. While you are there check the Booty Bay auction house for any Stranglethorn page you might still be missing.

Here is the list:

1. Chapter I: page 1,4,6,8
2. Chapter II: page 10,11,14,16
3. Chapter III: page 18,20,21,24
4. Chapter IV: page 25,26,27

We'll be needing them soon, so I advise you start offering 50s or even 1 gold for the pages you miss in the trade channel. We still have some killing to do though and we'll go back to Booty Bay two more times before we actually go turn in the page quest.

From the bank, go up the pier and in the first house to the left you should find "Sea Wolf" MacKinley, get the quests [41]Scary Shaky and [45]Stoley's Debt from him.
Head towards Booty Bay's exit and get a last quest on the way from First Mate Crazz, [41]The Bloodsail Buccaneers.

1. Exit Booty Bay and go left, till you reach a pirate camp by the cove. Clear the camp and find the Bloodsail Correspondence on one of the barrels.

Click it, turn in the quest and get the follow up [41]The Bloodsail Buccaneers.

2. Go northwest across the bridge and further northwest along the coast until you find some nagas. Kill those nagas until you have 10 Akiris Reed.

Ride back to the entrance of Booty Bay, this time go on the other side, follow the road north just a litlle while until you have Mistvale Gorillas on your right (31,68). Kill gorillas until you have gathered 5 Mistvale Giblets.

4. Ride back to Booty Bay, down the first slope you'll find "Shaky" Phillipe, turn in the quest and get the follow up [41]Return to MacKinley. Further towards the Inn, turn in [41]The Bloodsail Buccaneers at First Mate Crazz, get the follow up.
Up the slope right after First Mate Crazz, go to the house to your left and find Sea Wolf MacKinley, turn in the quest and get the follow up [44]Voodoo Dues. Go to the top floor of the Inn and turn in [41]The Bloodsail Buccaneers at Fleet Master Seahorn, get the follow up.
In the room just before Fleet Master Seahorn get the quest [41]Up to Snuff from Deeg.
Before leaving Booty Bay, find Dizzy One-Eye and get his quest [42]Keep an Eye Out. Dizzy is behind a big building close to the forge, which is actually quite close to the exit of Booty Bay, on the highest floor.

The next session doesn't involve much traveling so no map is needed.

1. Get out of Booty Bay and go east towards the shore named Wild Shore. From there, go southwards while killing any Bloodsails on the way until you reach the 1st camp (29,80). Clear the camp and look for a map thingy named "Bloodsail Charts" or "Bloodsail Orders", If you don't find either, move on further south until you find a small boat ashore, check it for maps as well. Careful, the Bloodsail Warlocks really hurt, make sure you interrupt their shadowbolts if you can, and kill them fast then deal with their pets. If you are Rogue or Mage though, I suggest sap / polymorph on the warlock first, kill the pet and then the warlock.

2. Go further south until you find a bigger camp (27,82). This camp will be harder to clear, but it's possible if you do it carefully.
Check the camp for Bloodsail Orders or Charts. Basically, the Bloodsail Charts and Orders can spawn at any of the two camps or at the boat. So check all three until you got both.

Then wander up and down the shore where you came from and kill Bloodsails until you get :

1. 10 Bloodsail Swashbuckler Kills
2. 15 Snuff (can drop from any Bloodsail)
3. 1 Dizzy's Eye (can drop from any Bloodsail)

3. Hearthstone to Booty Bay.
Go to the top floor of the Inn, turn in [41]The Bloodsail Buccaneers, get the follow up [45]The Bloodsail Buccaneers. Turn in [41]Up to Snuff. Sell and repair, restock food/drink. Get all the Stranglethorn pages from your bank. Go turn in [42]Keep an eye out at Dizzy One-Eye on your way out of Booty Bay.

1. Get out of Booty Bay and ride north, stay on the road until you reach (39,41), slightly long ride.
At (39,41) go east and you will find Venture Co. Goblins uphill. Kill them until you get 10 Singing Blue Crystals.

2. Go west to the other side of the road, you should find Jungle Stalkers (34,37). Kill those raptors until you have 10 Jungle Stalker Feathers.

3. Ride to Grom'gol, turn in [41]Mok'thardin's Enchantment and get the follow up.

4. Ride north along the shore until you find and Elder Saltwater Crocolisk. It's elite but it's only level 38ish, green to you. Should be no problem to solo, use cooldowns and potion if needed. Loot the Elder Crocolisk Skin off it.

5. Ride further northwest/north along the shore until you find the back entrance of the big troll ruins (21,11). Look at this zoom of the minimap to know what path to follow:

You should find Nezzilok the Dire at (24,10) if you followed the map above. Kill him and loot his head. Just a bit furhter north you should find Gan'zulah, the troll boss of those ruins (23,Cool. Kill him and loot his head.

6. Ride out of the ruins of Zul'Kunda, go east towards Nesingwary's Expedition (36,10).
Turn in [41]Raptor Mastery, don't get the follow up. Also abandon [40]Panther Mastery (elite), because that named panther can sometimes take way too long to be found.
Get the quest [40]The Green Hills of Stranglethorn and then take the four other quests named Chapter I, II, III and IV. Turn them all in then turn in the quest [40]The Green Hills of Stranglethorn.

7. Ride south/southwest, back to Grom'gol.
Next to the troll npc named Nimboya you should find a Bubblign Cauldron, get close to it and right click it to have a quest window appear. Turn in [41]Bloodscalp Clan heads, click the cauldron again and take the two quests: [40]Speaking with Neezzliok and [45]Speaking with Gan'zulah.

8. Sell and repair, then ride southeast, across the river, to the Ziata'jai Ruins (42,37). Clear the camp, beware of the patrols roaming this area, there are 2 of them and each contain 3 trolls level 39-40. Once the camp is clear, click on the Ziata'jai Trophy Skulls which stand in the middle of the ruins and loot the Ziata'jai Trophy.

9. Follow the little path northeast until you reach Balia'mah Ruins (45,33). Kill all the trolls there as well. When this camp is clear, loot the Balia'mah Trophy Skull.

10. Follow the path southeast and then south until you reach the Ruins of Zul'Mamwe (47,38), You should find the Zul'Mamwe Trophy Skulls there, loot it.
Now kill all the trolls you find in the ruins (Though avoid the southernmost ones up the plateau, the trolls there are higher level).
If you run out of trolls go back to the first ruins of Ziata'Jai and repeat this cycle - as shown by the arrows on the map - until you get 18 Skullsplitter Tusk, 25 Splitbone Necklaces and level 44, this is a good grinding spot.


11. Spend your talent point and go back to the Ruins of Zul'Mamwe. Our objective is to complete the quest [46]Speaking with Gan'zulah. All the quest objectives are in the ruins of Zul'Mamwe, so let's just go there and kill everything in the way. Just be careful, there are many patrols and you can get easily overwhelmed if you don't pull carefully.
Skullsplitter Headhunters and Berserkers can be found in the southeastern part of the ruins (48,43) - which we avoided until now - go there and kill what you need for the quest, be careful to avoid the named elite Mogh the Undying.
Now comes the difficult part, we have to kill a level 45 named with two level 44 guards. You can find that named - Ana'thek the Cruel - inside the cave at the end of the path going through the ruins (45,44). Ana'thek and his guards sometimes come out of the cave for a walk, but don't attack them then, you will probably get adds and die. It's safer to wait for Ana'thek to be back in the cave and attack him inside it.
Wait for your long cooldown abilities and your potion timers to be up, clear the area around the cave mouth to have some space, then charge in, kill the named fast, loot him and run away. If one of the guards is a Spiritchaser and you have no way to cc it - Polymorph or sap - kill it first, run away and then come back for the named. It's safer this way, because the Spiritchasers tend to heal the named and then things get ugly. I tried it with the rogue - even though I could have just used sap - to evaluate the difficulty, and it was no problem, I could easily take one down, run away and come back for the named without a single death.
Once you have looted the Broken Armor of Ana'thek, make sure you don't miss anything on the kill list of [46]Speaking with Gan'Zulah (you might be missing a few hunter kills).

12. Ride northwest, back to Grom'gol.
Turn in [42]Split Bone Necklace. Click on the Bubbling Cauldron and turn in the two quests. Then click on the cauldron again and take the quest [45]The Fate of Yenniku. Speak with Kin'weelay, turn in the quest and get the follow up [45]The Singing Crystals.

Take the zeppelin to Orgrimmar or Undercity and train your new skills, sell, repair and restock consumables.

Hearthstone to Booty Bay. At the Inn, turn in [41]Venture Company Mining, then go to the top floor of the Inn, turn in [42]Skullsplitter Tusks. Exit the Inn by the top floor side door, go turn in [38]Excelsior at the "Tan-Your-Hide Leatherworks" (you should see the yellow dot on the minimap when you come out of the Inn).

1. Get out of Booty Bay and ride east to the shore, then south along the shore until you have 3 pirate ships in sight. We're gonna do [45]The Bloodsail Buccaneers and this is a very difficult quest because the mobs on those ships are bunched up and you can end up with 3 on you easily if you don't pull carefully.
Let's start with the ship which is the most to the west (30,39).
Instead of describing step by step how everything is done, I made a video out of it, with explanations inside:

Bloodsail Buccaneer Video

Note: The parchment I looted at the bottom of the ship - Cortello's Riddle - can spawn in any of the three ships, so you'll have to check the bottom floor of each ship until you find it. It can also spawn in other parts of the ship, so check every corner of each ship carefully, but it mostly spawns on the bottom floor.
As you can see in the video, I never had more than two on me at the same time, and didn't ever need to use a potion, nor was I close to die at any moment. I didn't even use sap or blind, and I used stealth just while eating as a habit, but it was totally unneccessary.

When you pull the middle floor, don't fight in the stair. As soon as you aggro something, get off the stairs, or you might aggro something from the captain's cabin through the floor, it's an annoying bug but it's easily avoided if you don't fight on the stairs.
In case you have difficulties with Fleet Master Firallon, I made short video of it:

Fleet Master Firallon Video

Fleet Master Firallon (Middle ship) is the hardest of all as you can see, as he is level 48. However in the video, I deliberately didn't use sap or blind, and my cooldowns weren't ready for him. Though I still managed it - barely - but that was without using all the abilities at my disposal, and the gear of that rogue is really nothing special, not a single enchant and only two blue items. This proves that anyone can do it with some patience and tactics.
The most tricky pull is always the captain room, sometimes you will end up with 3, what you can do is try to kill one fast and run away from the ship, then come back quickly before it respawns. However, there is almost always a way to get only 2 at a time.
Any class can do it if they pull carefully.

Do the same for the other two ships and you should have [45]The Bloodsail Buccaneers complete and have Cortello's Riddle. Right click it and get the quest [43]Cortello's Riddle.
Note: Ignore Brutus, that iron golem standing at the top of the eastern ship. He doesn't drop anything particular and is a pain to kill.

2. Now let's move on to something easier. Get back to the wild shore and ride back to the main road. Go to Mistvale Valley and kill the same gorillas we killed earlier in this chapter at (32,68). Kill gorillas until one of them drops an Aged Groilla Sinew.

3. Get back on the road and ride north for a while, until you reach the Ruins of Jubuwal (33,51). Clear the camp until you can pull JonJon The Crow, he should come with an add, could be a hard fight but it's doable. Loot Jon-Jon's Golden Spyglass, then clear yourself some space around the little ruins just behind where Jon-Jon was, there stands Maury 'Club-Foot" Wilkins with two Zanzil Something.
Now you probably can't take all 3 at the same time, so try to kill one of the minions fast then run away, rinse and repeat until you are left with just Maury Wilkins. Kill him and loot "Maury's Clubbed Foot".

4. Go back on the road and just a bit south until (33,53), go east through a breached wall and keep going until you hit the Ruins of Aboraz (40,57) and kill Zanzil Minions there until you find Chucky "Ten Thumbs" inside the ruins and loot "Chucky's Huge Ring" from him. Keep killing Zanzil dudes until you get 12 Zanzil's Mixtures, avoid Zanzil the Outcast himself though. If you run out of mobs to kill, go back and forth from this camp to the other. Any Zanzil Something can drop the Mixture.

5. Get back on the road and ride north and then go northeast at the crossroads of Gurubashi arena. Just after that you should pass a big gate and to the right you should see a small path going into the jungle (37,49). That's our next stop, clear the way towards the cave at the end of that path, the basilisks we need to kill are named Ironjaw Basilisks and are higher level than the ones outside. Enter the cave at (42,50) and kill Ironjaw Basilisks until you have 3 Pulsing Blue Shards. The shards are rather rare, I estimate them to drop about 30% of the time. When you're done, hearthstone back to Booty Bay.

In Booty Bay's Inn, turn in [44]Zanzil's Secret. Go to the top floor of the Inn and turn in [45]The Bloodsail Buccaneers. Get out of the Inn and turn in [44]Voodoo Dudes at Sea Wolf MacKinley, don't get the follow up.

Fly to Stonard, Swamps of Sorrows.

From Stonard, follow the road west and then go north to the bridge at (23,48). Look under the bridge for a Soggy Scroll. Zooming in to 1st person view helps to see it.

Click the scroll, turn in the quest and get the follow up [43]Cortello's Riddle.

Ride back to Stonard and fly to Grom'gol.

In Grom'gol turn in the quest [41]Mok'thardin's Enchantment, don't get the follow up. Turn in [45]The Singing Crystals, don't get the follow up.

This should make you ding level 45, or you should at least be quite close. If you don't ding level 45, go grind until you do on the skullsplitter trolls for example.


Take a Zeppelin to Orgrimmar, sell / repair / restock consumables.
Now you have two options:

1. Get a group and go to Uldaman, follow my Uldaman Instance Guide.
2. You hate Uldaman? No problem, proceed with the guide, you'll just have to grind more later on.

Fly to Brackenwall, Dustwallow Marsh. If you don't have that flight path, fly to Camp Taurajo in the Barrens. From Camp Taurajo go south along the road and then east at the first crossroad. Enter Dustwallow Marsh and then go north to Brackenwall Village (36,32).

Get the quest [43]Overlord Mok'Morokk's Concern from Overlord Mok'Morokk next to the bonfire, [43]Army of the Black Dragon from Tharg next to the eastern exit of the village, and [43]Identifying the Brood from Draz'Zilb inside the cave.

1. Ride south to the area named The Den of Flame, which you can enter by the main gate on the southeastern side of it at (40,67). From now on kill every dragonkin you see. At the cave entrance you should find Mok'Morokk's Grog (39,66), which looks like a big pot.
Go inside the cave and explore it entirely until you find Mok'Morokk's Strongbox on the floor, which is a rectangular black/steel box.

Loot it and then get out of the cave.

2. Go east to Stonemaul Ruins (43,66). Kill as many searing whelps/hatchlings as you can find, we'll need to kill a lot to complete the other quest.
You should find Mok'Morokk's Snuff dead center of the fortress in plain sight on a metallic floor texture, located at (44,65).

3. Go west while killing everything on your way, our next stop is the Bloodfen Burrow (33,66). Clear yourself a path to the cave, at the end of the cave you should find a Musty Scroll (31,66).

Click it, turn in the quest and get the follow up [51]Cortello's Riddle.

Now all that's left for you to do is to go back to the dragonkin dens and kill as many as needed to complete [43]Army of the Black Dragon and [43]Identifying the Brood. Note: You can find many whelps east of Stonemaul Ruins (47,67) and also south of it.

4. Ride back to Brackenwall Village, turn in [43]Overlord Mok'Morokk's Concern, [43]Army of the Black Dragon and [43]Identifying the Brood, don't get the follow up.

Fly to Gadgetzan, Tanaris.

In Gadgetzan:

Turn in [45]Tran'Rek, don't get the follow up.

Get quests:

1. [43]Wastewander Justice
2. [44]Water Pouch Bounty

Set your hearthstone to Gadgetzan.

General info about Tanaris, Feralas and Hinterlands:

While killing stuff in Tanaris if you find an item named [OOX-17/TN Distress Beacon]. Right click it and keep the quest. You'll find beacons in Feralas and Hinterlands as well, proceed equally with those. Each of those beacons start a quest where you will have to find a Homing Robot and escort it. The beacons won't always drop for you, they are kinda rare. The escort quests are hard to do solo especially for certain classes. But if you are lucky to find all 3 beacons you should really put the effort and finish all 3 rescue quests, it will be described when to do them in the guide later on. Anyway, if you don't get a distress beacon, or if you don't manage to complete the rescue quests, it's not a big deal, this is optional, it's a nifty exp bonus but it's not that important

Sell, Repair, re-supply food/drink (3 stacks).

No map needed for this very short part.

Get out of Gadgetzan, ride east until Noonshade Ruins (61,24), kill all the Bandits you can find there (If it's crowded just skip this part and keep riding east).. Then go further east to Steamwheedle Port even if you still haven't completed Wastewander Justice yet.

In Steamwheedle port get:

1. [45]Pirate Hats Ahoy!
2. [45]WANTED: Andre Firebeard and [46]WANTED: Caliph Scorpidsting from the wanted poster.
3. [44] Screecher Spirits
4. [45] Southsea Shakedown

Turn in [45]Stoley's Debt and get the follow up [46]Stoley's Shipment.

Ride back towards Gadgetzan, make a stop at Noonshade Ruins and kill bandits / thieves there until you finish Wastewander Justice and Water Pouch Bounty. If the place is crowded, there are more wastewander camps southeast of here (63,30).

Go back to Gadgetzan and turn in [44]Water Pouch Bounty and [4

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