Alliance guide 30-41

Madcat3's Alliance leveling Guide


This guide starts at level 30. It is your task to reach that level on your own and it

shouldn't be a problem, you can check the other leveling guides in our leveling

guide forum for the earlier levels. The main reason why I don't want to start a

guide at level 1 is because:

  1. It's not so needed
  2. Depending on your race/class choice you will start from different areas
  3.  so covering them all would be a mess.

This guide is optimized for FAST leveling with a minimum of grinding sessions

. Quests are important, they give rewards and faction and are less boring than

pure grinding, BUT sometimes some quests are really a time waste and we

will be skipping those and replacing them by good grinding spots when it is

necessary. Some people say that Grinding is always faster than questing

, this is true in theory when you don't know which quests to take and which

to avoid, and what is the best order to do them. With this guide, questing

will be very efficient and much better than pure grinding. Follow each

instruction carefully and you will see for yourself. The quests choices

and order to do them are optimal so that you run as few as possible

while doing the most possible and then turning several quests at the

same time. This guide will be very useful for both veteran and novice

players, and this is why sometimes I describe things in two fashion

"In short" (for the veterans) and "in details" (for the novices).

That way the veteran players can skip those "in details" paragraph if the

"in short" one was enough information for them. So even the guide itself

is optimized for the minimum reading possible, to save time! Let's get started

immediately then!

Everything described in this guide can be done solo (besides when I say otherwise). You can of course follow this guide while duoing, grouping, it's not a problem, it works too.

Basic rules:

  1. While traveling, kill everything that is on your way and gives experience (Yellow mobs preferably).
  2. Spend your talent points so you do the most damage possible. (e.g: Priest should specialize in Shadow Talents, Warriors in Arms/Fury, Rogues Combat/Assassination, etc).
  3. Don't waste your time trying to find groups for questing, you can solo everything that is described in this guide. Only group with someone when it's not gonna be a waste of time (e.g: meeting the person at the other end of the map to show him the way to where your quest is)
  4. Try to always log out in an Inn when you take a break.
  5. If I don't mention a quest, it means I consider it a waste of time, so don't take it thinking I forgot a quest here and there, I didn't Smiling . Also don't abandon a quest unless I say you should.
  6. Sometimes I will be making lists of quest you should have before starting with an area, that doesn't mean I will list the whole quest log, JUST the quests that interest us for the moment.


There's two/three addons you should have, this is not obligatory but this will be extremely handy:

  1. Titan panel: It is a great addon with many useful features. But mostly because I use locations in my guide with coordinates (X,Y), and titan panel shows these coordinates. It also shows your average XP/Hour rate among other things. Download the latest version here.
  2. Quickloot: Looting faster = time saving. Download the latest version here.

Side Note: In case you don't know how to install add-ons, make a folder called Interface in your World of Warcraft directory (if there isn't already one). Then you open it and create a folder called Addons inside the Interface folder. Now every Addon you want to add goes directly into the Addon folder. For example you download and unzip Titan Panel, you drag the folder that's called TITAN PANEL (not Interface or Addons) into the new Addon folder you created. You restart World of Warcraft completely and it should be working.

Shopping List:

Every time you pass by an auction house, try to buy the following items:

  1. 1X Patterned Bronze Bracers ~50 Silver
  2. 1X Frost Oil ~ 2 Gold
  3. 1X Gyrochronatom ~1 Gold

These might not always be up for sale, so start checking early.

The Guide:

Chapter 1 - [Level 30 - 41] Journey from Thousand Needles to Badlands

Level 30

  1. In Short: Go to Theramore by boat, in Theramore learn the new flight path, go to the Inn, make it your home location and get the quest [30] Highperch Venom, then go to Thousand Needles.
  2. In Details: From Ironforge, take a flight path to Menethil Harbor, if you don't have that flight path, you'll have to go to wetlands and then run to Menethil Harbor. In Menethil Harbor take the boat to Theramore (It is the boat that stops at the southern peer). When in Theramore, find the Gryphon Master and get the flight path. Then go to the Inn, talk to the innkeeper and make theramore your home location. In the Inn you'll find an npc named Fiora Longears, get the quest [30] Highperch Venom from her. After that, go through Dustwallow Marsh by following the road northwest and then south to the Barrens. When in the Barrens, go south toThousand Needles, go down the great lift (don't attack the guard just run past him, take the elevator and keep going until he forgets you).

In Thousand Needles, go west until you reach the border of Feralas, and find the alliance outpost: Thalanaar (89,45). Get the new flight path from there. Then go southeast along the mountain until you reach "Highperch" (14,32). Kill wyverns until you have 10 Highperch Venom Sacs.

Get out of highperch and go further southeast along the mountain, keep going until you hit Roguefeather Den (27,51). It's grinding time! Don't worry, there will be a lot of questing after that, but you are gonna kill these harpies until those two goals are achieved:

  1. you hit level 31+
  2. you obtain 25 Vibrant Plumes

The harpies are lvl 28-30, drop cash and silk cloth. There are a lot of them and they respawn fast. (Make sure to kill the harpies that are down on the ground and those that are in the cave up on the hill) With the 25 Vibrant Plumes you can get 60 Tickets at the Darkmoon Faire, you can then trade 50 Tickets for a 14 Slot Bag, which is a big plus at this level (unless you are a twink). Sadly the Darkmoon Faire is not always available, check this Darkmoon Faire Necklace Guide to know when the Darkmoon Faire will be available, and put your Vibrant Plumes in bank until then. If you don't want the bag, you can either auction those plumes (they sell nicely) or save them up for your future epic necklace.

Level 31

Go east until you reach the Mirage Raceway in the Shimmering Flats(80,77). Get the following quests there:

  1. [30] Hardened Shells
  2. [30] Salt Flat Venom
  3. [30] Load Lightening
  4. [31] Rocket Car Parts
  5. [31] Hemet Nesingwary
  6. [33] A Bump in the Road
  7. [36] Wharfmaster Dizzywig

You can find everything needed to complete those quests all around the raceway, do long circles all around it and kill everything on the way. Keep doing this until you complete all the quests, get 10 Turtle Meat and hit level 32. Grind on turtles in particular, they drop scales which sell nicely. Don't sell the Turtle Meat, put them in bank or somewhere in your inventory.

Turn in all the quests and get the follow up quests :

  1. [37] Goblin Sponsorship
  2. [35] Martek the Exiled

Before we leave, go south and zone into Tanaris. Go to Gadgetzan and talk to the Gryphon master on the other side of the town to get the new flight path. Hearthstone to Theramore, turn in the quest [30] Highperch Venom then get out of Theramore and follow the road northwest and then south to the Barrens. In the Barrens go north then east to Ratchet. Talk to Gazlowe in Ratchet, get the follow up [37] Goblin Sponsorship. Also talk to Wharfmaster Dizzywig on the docks and get the follow up [36] Parts for Kravel
Take the boat to Booty Bay. In Booty Bay on the docks, talk to Wharfmaster Lozgil and get the follow up. Then go to the Inn in Booty Bay and make it your home location. Then go train new skills in Stormwind by gryphon ride (for rogues, there's a trainer on the 1st floor of booty bay inn). Visit the Auction house, repair, sell, buy 4 stacks of food/drink (of course don't buy drinks if you aren't a class with mana).

Level 32

At level 32 the zone we will be aiming for is Stranglethorn Vale.

Quest Gathering:

  1. First of all get all the quests you can from Booty Bay.
  2. Get the quests in the Rebel Camp in Strangelthorn Vale (37,3).
  3. Then go to the Nesingwary's Camp (35,10) and get all quests there.

You should have these quests:
  1. [31] Hemet Nesingwary from Kravel at the Mirage Raceway
  2. [31] Supply and Demand from Drizzlik in Booty Bay.
  3. [31] Panther Mastery From Nesingwary camp.
  4. [31] Tiger Mastery From Nesingwary camp.
  5. [32] Investigate the Camp From Krazek in Booty Bay.
  6. [33] The Second Rebellion From Sergeant Yohwa at the Rebel Camp.
  7. [34] Bad Medicine Sergeant Yohwa at the Rebel Camp.
  8. [34] Raptor Mastery From Nesingwary camp.
  9. [35] Bloodscalp Ears From Kebok in Booty Bay.
  10. [35] Singing Blue Shards From Crank Fizzlebub in Booty Bay.
  11. [36] Hostile Takeover From Kebok in Booty Bay.
  12. [37] Krazek's Cookery From Corporal Kaleb at the Rebel Camp.
  13. [37] Goblin Sponsorship From the Baron Revilgaz on top of the Booty Bay Inn.
  14. [37] The Stone of the Tides From Baron Revilgaz in Booty Bay, prereq for this quest is given by Krazek in Booty Bay.
  15. [41] Scaring Shaky From "Sea Wolf" McKinley in Booty Bay.

No need to take the Green Hills of Stranglethorn quests (the one with the chapters), it will just encumber your quest log for now. You will complete each chapter when you get the right pages. So while you hunt always look out for these:


Step 1: Kill River Crocolisks which can be found all along the river in northern Stranglethorn Vale until you find 2 Large Crocolisk Skins. While you search for crocs you can also kill Young Tigers close to the river for Tiger Mastery.

Step 2: Then kill 10 Young Tigers (or as much as you still got left)
Tigers can be found mostly south and around the Nesingwary camp.

Step 3: Kill Young Panthers, they are mostly found on the other side of the river to the east. (41,10).

Step 4: Go further northeast to the Kurzen Camp (44,11) and kill 15 Kurzen Jungle Fighters as well as Kurzen Medecine Men until you get 7 Jungle Remedies (might take a while). Also you'll need a Fern Extract from one of the piles of crates scattered around the Kurzen Compound.

Step 5: Once all 4 quests are done go turn them in (besides Supply and Demand, which you will turn in later) at the Rebel Camp where you get the follow up:

  1. [38] Special Forces.

Step 6:And at the Nesingwary camp where you get the follow ups:

  1. [33] Tiger Mastery
  2. [33] Panther Mastery

Step 7: Go west until you reach a plateau (30,9). Up there you can find Panthers and Tigers. Kill 10 of each.

Step 8: Further southwest on the plateau you should find Stranglethorn Raptors, kill 10.

Step 9: Go south and down the plateau until you find the troll camp at Bal'lal Ruins (29,20)
It should take a while to get 15 bloodscalp ears but it is a nice grinding spot anyway. So grind at this spot until you hit level 33. If you don't have enough trolls there is another camp northeast at the Tkashi Ruins (33,15).

Level 33:

Step 10: From the troll camps, go west until you hit the shore, and move along the shore towards the north until you find Crystal Spine Basilisks. If you run short on Basilisks, there is more on the lower plateau to the east along the shore. If there aren't any basilisks just go kill some trolls until they respawn. Kill basilisks until you get 10 Singing Crystal Shards.

Step 11: After that, take a swim westwards until you hit the island at loc (21,22), you will have to go towards the middle of the island so the quest [37] The Stone of the Tides is completed, but be careful with the lvl 37ish elementals on the isle.

Step 12: When you completed all 6 quests, go turn in the 3 mastery quests at camp nesingwary and get the follow ups:

  1. [35] Tiger Mastery
  2. [36] Raptor Mastery
  3. [38] Panther Mastery

Check if you completed any of the chapters of the Stranglethorn pages quests as well and turn them in if you did.

  1. Chapter I: page 1,4,6,8
  2. Chapter II: page 10,11,14,16
  3. Chapter III: page 18,20,21,24
  4. Chapter IV: page 25,26,27

Make sure you repair and sell junk at the vendor before you go again. You will probably need a lot of space in your bags with the extra pages you will find.

Step 13: Now you probably must be about halfway to level 34. It's time to go grind at Kurzen camp or on the Trolls, up to you. When you are 1 bubble away from lvl 34, warp to Booty Bay.

When in Booty Bay. Turn in the following quests:

  1. [31] Supply and Demand at Drizzlik in the "Tan-your-hide-Leatherwork" shop. It is situated on the top floor and not too far from the inn in Booty Bay.
  2. [35] Singing Blue Shards on the ground floor in bootay bay inn.
  3. [35] Bloodscalp Ears
  4. [37] Krazek's Cookery
  5. [32] Investigate the Camp on the 2nd floor of the booty bay inn.
  6. [37] The Stone of the Tides on the top floor of Booty Bay inn to Baron Revilgaz.

This should make you level up.

Step 5: Get follow up quests:

  1. [36] Hostile Takeover
  2. [36] Some Assembly Required
  3. [37] Water Elementals
  4. [41] Venture Company Mining

Note: If some follow up quests aren't mentioned it is because they aren't worth the trouble. Just take the ones listed above.

level 34:

Since you are lvl 34 now, go train if you wish to do so. Closest place to train is Stormwind by gryffon. (Unless you are a rogue, there's a rogue trainer on the 1st floor of Booty Bay inn).

While you are on gryffon (or in Booty Bay), ask in general channel if anyone has any page you need, and trade your spare pages in exchange or just buy them, they go for 10-15 silver on average. You can also check the Booty Bay auction house for missing pages. I suggest you even buy them overpriced (Offer 20-30 Silver for a page and you should get it quickly). The sooner you complete the page collection, the better for your bag space Sticking out tongue. Anyway, time to hunt again!

Step 1: When you are done, go back to the jungle, follow the road north until you hit loc (39,22). And go westwards (towards the area north of Grom'Gol Camp). You should find plenty of Lashtail Raptors there. Kill them as much as needed for the quests.

Step 2 & 3: When done with raptors, you should hit the river to the east and search along the banks for Snapjaw Crocolisks. At the same time you can start heading to the Venture co. Camp next to Lake Nazferiti and kill Geologists there (44,20), they drop the "tumbled crystals" you need for [36] Hostile Takeover. You can find crocolisks on both sides of the river, all around Lake Nezferati and all the way down to Mizjal Ruins. Keep killing Goblins and Crocolisks until you get both quests complete.

Step 4: When done with that, head northwest until you hit the area in between Bal'al Ruins and Tkashi Ruins (33,15). There you wil find Elder Stranglethorn Tigers and kill 10 of them.

Step 5: Once done, go to Nesingwary Camp and turn in

  1. [35] Tiger Mastery
  2. [36] Raptor Mastery

Get the two follow ups and complete any chapter to get rid of pages taking up bag space.

Step 6: Go northeast until you hit the Kurzen Camp, this time go straight for the cave there and kill Commandos and Headshrinkers. Careful the Commandos are stealthers.

Step 7: When done with that go southwest to find Sin'dall. Sin'dall is on top of a hill at (31,17) right in the middle of Bal'al and Tkashi ruins. It is definitely soloable at lvl 34, just make sure all your long cooldown abilities are up.

Step 8: Once Sin'dall is dead, head west until you hit the island you discovered before (21,22), and kill Water Elementals there until you get 6 Water Elemental Bracers.

Step 9: At this point you should be getting close to level 35. If you are not, grind on trolls until you are about 3 bubbles of XP away from it.

Step 10: When that is done, go turn in your quests at the Nesingwary and Rebel camps, at the Rebel Camp get the folllow up [38] Kurzen's Mystery. By now you should have completed your page collections or be close, if you aren't it's ok, we will be back in Stranglethorn Vale in about 3 levels and then you ll for sure complete it.

Step 11: Warp to Booty Bay, turn in the quests

  1. [36] Hostile Takeover at Kebok (inn).
  2. [37] Water Elementals at Baron Revilgaz on to of the Inn. Get follow up [37] Magical Analysis.
  3. [36] Some Assembly Required at Drizzlik (Leather-and-hide shop),

Don't get the follow up. Go to the bank and get the 10 Turtle meat you saved since Thousand Needles, and make space in your bags in case you still have Stranglethorn pages.

Time to travel!

If you already know how to get there, go to Southshore in Hillsbrad Foothills (or take a Gryffon Ride)

If you don't know how to get there:
Take a gryffon ride to Stormwind, then use the tram or gryffon to Ironforge, then gryffon ride to Southshore or Arathi. If you don't have those flight paths, fly to Wetlands. From Menethil in Wetlands follow the road east and then north until you zone into Arathi Highlands; keep going north until you reach Refuge Pointe (46,46). Get the flight path there. From Refuge Pointe take the road west until you reach Hillsbrad Foothills. In Hillsbrad Foothils follow the road west and then south at the 3rd fork. Southshore is at loc (50,55). Talk to the Gryphon Master in Southshore. and bind at the Inn. You should be level 35 or close by now.

Gather all the quests in Southshore, you should have:

  1. [30] Down the Coast
  2. [33] Hints of a New Plague?
  3. [33] Syndicate Assassins
  4. [34] Costly Menace
  5. [36] Crushridge Bounty

And [31] Soothing Turtle Bisque which you can complete immediately because you already got 10 Turtle Meat. You can buy the soothing spices from the merchant in the first house to the right when entering Southshore from the north.

Don't bother with [34] Bartolo's Yeti Fur Cloak unless you are a Leatherworker or got a Leatherworker friend who can make a Hillman's cloak. You can buy a Bolt of Woolen Cloth at the auction house or ask a tailor.

Level 35

Let's start with some Murloc slaughtering!

Step 1: The murlocs are right next to the town on the western shore. Kill 10 Tidehunters and 10 Oracles.

Step 2: Go turn it in and get the follow up. Go back and kill more murlocs until you get 10 Murloc Heads.

Step 3: Go turn in the quest, get the follow up. Speak with Marshal Redpath in Southshore, get follow up and talk to Lieutenant Fahren again. Get the follow up [32] Stormwind Ho!

Sell and repair (there's an armorsmith behind a small house next to the inn)

Step 4: Time to hunt Nagas now. The ones you need are on the eastern shore, right next to the town. Kill 10 Daggerspine Shorehunters and 10 Daggerspine Sirens, go back to Southshore and talk to Lieutenant Farren again and get the follow up [32] Reassignment.

Step 5: Now take a flight path to Refuge Pointe (Arathi Highlands). In Refuge Pointe get the quest [36] Worth its Weigh in Gold from Apprentice Kryten.

Step 6: Go southeast until you reach the Go'Shek Farm (60,53) and find the NPC named Quae, she is looking over the Go'Shek Farm from the northwest edge. Talk to her and take the follow up quest [36] Hints of a new Plague?. You need to find and kill a Forsaken Courier and loot a Sealed Folder from him.

In Short: The Forsaken Courier roams from the Go'Shek Farm all along the road up until the wall to Hillsbrad Foothils. He is lvl 35 and doesn't have that much hit points, but he has 4 level 35 bodyguards. Find a way to kill and loot the Courrier. You can do it solo at level 35, I've done it with 5 different classes and I've heard about other players doing the same. For instructions on how to kill the courier with a certain class, see below.

In Details Now you need to find and kill the Forsaken Courier, he roams from the Go'Shek Farm all along the road up until the wall to Hillsbrad Foothils. He has 4 bodyguards, all level 35.
There are many ways to kill it though, even solo at level 35.

  1. Warrior: for exemple, charge the courrier, hit Retaliate, use Intimidating Shout, kill the courier fast, loot it and then run away.
  2. Mage, burn him down as fast as possible, start from max range with Pyroblast if you got it, use ice root on the bodyguards, finish the courrier fast. Use a Health Potion if needed.
  3. Rogue, you can single the courier out. Use Distract so that only one guard stops while the rest keeps walking, then kill the guard solo, rinse and repeat until you get the courier solo. You can also just rush in the pack, hit Evasion and kill the courier quickly before evasion runs out.
  4. Warlock and Hunter: Send in the pet and burn the Courrier as fast as possible while your pet dies.
  5. Priest: Powerword:Shield and Renew yourself, be at max range, start with Smite, then a Mind Blast while the mobs run to you, then a Shadow Word:Pain. The bodyguards should be on you at this moment, use Psychic Scream, and keep on burning the Courrier with Mind Flay / Mind Blast.
  6. Paladin Just go for the courier and use your invulnerabilities.

There must be a way for each class to solo this at level 35, use creativity, potions, and long cooldown abilities. If you don't manage it, try to get a partner to duo it.

Step 7: Once you got the Sealed Folder from the Forsaken Courier, go back to Quae (60,53). Turn in and get the follow up [37] Hints of a new Plague?, where you have to escort Kinelory.

For the escort, one word of advice: Let Kinelory be in the front, always walk behind her, when mobs aggro her, help her take them out one by one. And make sure they don't run far. Kinelory is quite a tank and can also heal a bit. If you let her be in front and don't let runners create trains, you will complete the quest easily.

Step 8: When completed, talk to Quae and get the follow up. Then go southwest of Go'Shek Farm to the troll village (63,65).

Kill trolls until you get 10 Tusks. Kill Witch Doctors until you get 4 Medicine Pouches. Further inside the village and to the south (68,75) you will find a cave. Inside the cave you will find Witherbark Shadow Hunters and get the Hunter Knife you miss to complete the quest.

Step 9: Once completed, run back to Refuge Pointe in Arathi and turn in the troll quest.

Hearthstone to Southshore, and talk to Phin Odelic and complete the quest "Hints of a New plague".

Sell and repair.

Step 10: Go north and follow the road north until you zone to Alterac Mountain (96,47). A bit further up and to the right you will find Soferan's Naze (58,67). Clear the Syndicate camp there, and in the middle of the camp on a table you should find parchments named "Syndicate Documents". Right click one of them and get the two quests [34] Encrypted Letter and [34] Foreboding Plans.

Then go northwest towards the snowy mountains where you will find Crushridge Ogres, they drop the Dirty Knucklebones you need.
When you run short on ogres, you can go to the southwest where you will find the area called "Corrahn's Dagger" (47,76). There you can kill Syndicate Footpads and Syndicate Thieves as well as Mountain Lions and Hulking Mountain Lions. I suggest you go back and forth from this spot to the ogres whenever you run short on mobs. Do this until the Ogre and Syndicate quests are completed. Then there's more Lions further to the west at "The Headland" (38,55).
You should keep going westwards while killing lions until you complete your quest. At this point you should be close to level 36, if not, grind on ogres / syndicates until you are about 2 bubbles away from level up.

Step 11: Go northwest towards Dalaran until you reach Archmage Ansirem (18,78). Turn in the quest [37] Magical Analysis and get the follow up [37] Ansirem's Key. Then warp to Southshore or run there if Hearthstone isn't ready.

Turn in the 5 quests in Southshore. Get the follow up [34] Letter to Stormpike from Loremaster Dibbs. Don't get the other follow ups.
Congratulations on level 36.

Level 36

Step 1: Take a gryphon ride to Ironforge, go to the hall of explorers northeast of the Gryphon master and get the quest from Roetten Stonehammer [33] Reclaimers' Business in Desolace. Also turn in the quest [34] Letter to Stormpike at Prospector Stormpike in the Hall of Explorers, don't get the follow up. Then go to the inn of Ironforge and bind yourself there.

Step 2: Fly to Stormwind. Repair, sell stuff and train new skills. Also, go turn in [32] Reassignment, at Major Samuelson in Stormwind Keep. (72,16)

Step 3: Fly to Booty Bay. In Booty Bay, turn in the quest [37] Ansirem's Key at Catelyn, she is on the 1st floor inside the Booty Bay in. Get the follow up [39] "Pretty Boy" Duncan.

Step 4: Take the boat to Ratchet. And then:

  1. In short: Go to Desolace
  2. In detail: From Ratchet, follow the road to the west until you reach Stonetalon Mountains. In Stonetalon Mountains follow the road west/northwest until you are past Sunrock Retreat and reach Mirkfallon Lake, keep following the road until you can go west in between two cliffs. Follow this path, go south through the charred vale and you will arrive in Desolace.

When in Desolace, go to Nijel's Point . To access it you have to go further southwest until loc (67,16).

Talk to the Hyppogryph master.

Then get quests:

  1. [31] Centaur Bounty
  2. [33] Vahlarriel's Search
  3. [33] Reagents for Reclaimers Inc.
  4. [35] Strange Alliance
  5. [39] Down the Scarlet Path
  6. [39] The Karnitol Shipwreck.

We are not taking the quest [35] Brutal Politics because we decide to be friendly with the Gelkis Centaur Tribe which involves lowering faction with the Magram Centaurs. It doesn't really matter anyway if the Magram centaurs hate you.

Circuit 1:

  1. Let's start with [33] Reagents for Reclaimers, kill Hatefury Satyrs in Sargeron, southeast of Nigel's Point (75,20).
  2. When you got 10 Hatefury Claws and 10 Hatefury Horns go west to the area just north of Thunder Axe Fortress (56,17) you will find a ruined caravan there. Look for Malem Chest. It's not actually a chest, rather a crate. Open it, get the follow up.
  3. Go back to Nijel's Point and get the follow up. Turn in the Satyr quest as well but don't get the follow up (huge time waste). Sell and Repair.
  4. Go southwest and past Thunder Axe Fortress. Then go west towards the sea until you see a big tower. Azore Aldamort is next to the tower just north of it down the cliff (38,27). Get the quest [33] The Sceptre of Light.
  5. From there, go southwest to the shore towards (36,30), you should see the mast of a sunken ship. The Ravnitol Chest is on the shore at (36,30). Open it, and get the follow up quest. Right next to the chest is a black book named "Rackmore's Log". Click it and get the quest [36] Claim Rackmore's Treasure. The Silver Key drops from Drysnap Pincer or Crawler. The Gold Key drops from any Slitherblade Naga.
    Take a swim and kill Drysnaps around the ship until you get a Silver Key. It takes about 10 kills on average. Then further north go kill Siltherblade Nagas until you get a gold key. 10 kills on average as well to get a Golden Key.
  6. Once you have both keys, go east to the Thunder Axe Fortress. Enter the fortress through the main gate (56,30), go kill the Seer (he has one guard) on top of the 1st watch tower to the left past the gates. Loot the Sceptre of Light.

    Then go in the big building and talk to Dalinda, get the follow up quest [33] Search for Tyranis. Tyranis is in the other building (the smaller of the two), southwest of the main one. Kill Tyranis and loot the pendant.
    Go back to Dalinda. Before you talk to her, clear the whole building. After you talk to her she will start to walk out of the fortress, escort her and make sure she doesn't die.
    Warning: Dalinda is one of those stupid escort NPCs who don't stop when YOU are attacked. So let her in the front and make sure she gets hits first. Once out of the fortress she will run away and you will get a "Quest Complete" message.

  7. Go northeast and back to Nijel's Point, turn in quests, get follow up [39] The Karnitol Shipwreck. Sell and Repair, next circuit is gonna be long!

Circuit 2:

  1. Go south to Kormek'Hut (62,38). Get the quest [39] Bone Collector (62,39) from Bibbly F'utzbuckle.
  2. Then go west to the big tower and turn in your quest [33] The Sceptre of Light to Azore Aldamort. Get the follow up [38]Book of the Ancients
  3. Go northwest and take a swim towards the Ranazjar Isle (30,Cool. Clear the eastern shore of the isle. You should find a chest in between a tree and the white building. Click it to complete [36] Claim Rackmore's Treasure.
  4. Then clear yourself a path through the Nagas so that you can reach the statue on the northwestern part of the isle (28,6). Clear the way around the statue, get full health/mana and go click the statue twice. Lord Kragaru will spawn, a lvl 38 Naga. Kill it (soloable at 36) and loot the Book of the Ancients.
    Before you go, kill Slitherblade Tidehunters and Slitherblade Sea Witches until one of them drops Karnitol's Satchel. Takes 15 kills on average (Took me only 4 once, and another time it took 29 kills).
  5. Swim back to Azore Aldamort get your rewards.
  6. Now go southeast towards the Kodo Graveyard (48,55). Gather 10 kodo bones there, kill the Carrion Vultures if they are in the way. When you loot a bone there's a 50% chance a lvl 37-38 Kodo Apparition will pop up and attack you. You can run away or deal with it, up to you, they disappear after about 10 minutes.
  7. Once you got 10 Kodo bones, run east to
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